Order Installment Profile

When a product can be paid for in a series of partial payments, the process of sending invoices to the customer over a period of time is called installment billing. An Order Installment Profile is a snapshot of one of those installment payments.

This topic covers the information displayed in the profile and links to the topics describing actions that you can perform on the profile page.

Order Installment Profile Information

The Order Installment Profile page displays the following information:

Field Description
customer Displays the name of the customer who made this order. Click the linked name to go to the Individual Profile for that person.
bill to customer Displays the name of the customer who is paying for the order, if the customer paying is not the customer ordering.
order code Displays the netFORUM-generated number code for this order. Click the down-arrow to see Internal Notes on this order.
proforma? Displays Yes or No. Displays Yes if the order is proforma, and No if the order is not proforma.
frequency Displays the user-selected period of time between payments. Examples of frequency include Monthly, Quarterly, and Biannually.
term Displays the conditions of payment for the order.
type Displays the type of payment.
#of installments Displays the number of total installments.
customer payment info If the order is set to auto-pay, then this field displays a stored, masked credit card number or account number, depending on the type of payment. If the order is not set to auto-pay, then this field is blank.

Displays the netFORUM-generated status of the payment. A list of the possible statuses follows:

No Status Displayed: is Active, the default state for payment information. netFORUM assumes the payment information is good.

Active: is the default state for payment information. netFORUM assumes the payment information is good.

Failing: is the state for payment information that has experienced some failures. netFORUM still tries to process this information for installment payments.

Pending: is the state for payment information that was previously Failing or Invalid and was updated by a user. netFORUM will try this updated CPI, until then it is in a Probation, or Pending state. If CPI in the Pending state succeeds when it is used for a payment, netFORUM changes the state to Active. If netFORUM tries CPI in the Pending state again and it fails, netFORUMchanges the state to Failing again.

Invalid: is the state for payment information that netFORUM has tried and found to be invalid. netFORUM does not try to process this payment information again until a user updates the information.

Note: You can change the Status from Failing or Invalid to Pending by editing the payment information.

media code Displays the user-selected Media Code.
source code Displays the user-selected Source Code.
order date Displays the date that the customer made this order.
payment info Displays a stored, masked credit card number or account number, depending on the type of payment, whether the payment is set to auto-pay or not.

Order Installment Profile Actions

You can perform the following actions from the Order Installment Profile:

  • Edit the Profile
  • Note: Some of the following actions display as buttons only when the action applies to this order.

  • Generate Next Installment
  • Add Payment
  • Adjust Installment
  • Void Order
  • Generate Autopay/Returns
  • Void Installment Schedule

Order Installment Child Forms

The child forms section of the Order Installment Profile is divided into several tabs. Each tab contains child forms with information related to the Order Installment.

The following tabs are available:

  • General
  • Invoices
  • Log
  • Summary

General Tab

Use the General tab to see a list of products ordered, and other details such as price, installment amount and amount left. The General tab has one child form: the Order Detail child form.

Invoices Tab

Use the Invoices tab to see a list of invoices created for this order, and other details such as batch, proforma and open. The Invoices tab has one child form: the Invoices child form.

Log Tab

Use the Log tab to see an Audit Log and a list of Gateway Errors for this order. The Invoices tab has the following child forms:

  • Audit Log
  • Gateway Errors

Summary Tab

Use the Summary tab to see a list of scheduled payments created for this order, and details about those payments such as amount, balance and void date. The Summary tab has one child form: the Summary child form.